23rd August 2023


23rd August 2023



Recognising the limitations of conventional market research, the Hartree team took a different approach. In collaboration with Livework Studio, a market research and service design agency, the project aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the future market for Hartree. This involved exploring questions around who will live here, how they will live, and how the planned new place can best respond to these changing needs.

Aerial View of the Hartree site

The project set several objectives:

  • Provide a comprehensive understanding of the future housing market at Hartree.
  • Analyse the existing demographics of the area.
  • Identify prospective residents at Hartree, considering both current and future demographic trends.
  • Grasp customer preferences for spaces, amenities, residences, and neighbourhoods.
  • Create customer profiles to guide design decisions, planning, engagement activities, and property allocations.
  • Understand customer responses to key characteristics of the project, such as density and shared mobility.
  • Develop a range of design solutions to address challenges such as density.
  • Conduct engaging and interactive conversations with future customers.
Axonometric Illustration of the Hartree masterplan
The future of Hartree. Image by Kjellander Sjoberg Architects.

Phase One: Market Research

This phase sought to understand future residents’ profiles, demographics, interests, values, and their needs and priorities for their future homes and neighbourhoods. This involved a multifaceted approach, including reviewing global housing trends, surveying individuals across various regions, engaging with experts, conducting interviews, and organising workshops with stakeholders and local residents.

The Resident Personas

Five distinct personas emerged, each representing potential future residents of Hartree:

  1. Explorers and Experimenters: Young professionals focused on sustainability and flexible living.
  2. Peace Seekers: Career-driven individuals seeking vibrant, sustainable communities with family-friendly amenities.
  3. Community Carers: Community-minded individuals, typically older, seeking to nurture the environment and the people in the community.
  4. International Locals: Global citizens preserving their cultural heritage in an unfamiliar cultural environment.
  5. Home Bodies: Introverted residents valuing security, privacy, and adaptable living spaces.

These profiles provide a nuanced understanding of potential Hartree residents, ensuring that the project’s design is informed by robust market research.

Phase Two: Service Design

This phase delved into key points of differentiation and innovation around the Hartree project and aimed to identify evidence-based and user-centric solutions to challenges the team is looking to address. These themes encompassed apartment living, rent as a tenure of choice, new mobility solutions, high-quality open spaces, and a mix of uses to support daily needs. The findings were grouped into six key themes that informed the ongoing evolution of the masterplan.

These findings are central to the project’s outlook, providing a clear roadmap for the development of Hartree that responds to the unique needs and aspirations of its future residents. It is a vision that addresses the pressing challenges of the 21st century, setting new benchmarks for sustainable, inclusive, and connected communities.

Find out more on the Hartree project page or on the Hartree website.